Thursday, May 13, 2010

Somebody asked...

So now you can see what I am dealing with.
But between the icing down most of the day and wearing this brace, it's actually starting to feel better. I just have a bruise where she injected first the deadening meds. then the cortisone. Anyhoo, there you go. Now you can see my handicap. :O)

T%dles Peeps!
Betty aka ZacksNana


Monika Reeck said...

Ooh...I can see it must be so painful right Betty....I just want to tell you thanks for the Information on my blog I just following the challenge from Jazzy Paper Designs...hope your hand will be better soon....hugs, Monika your bloger friend.

Myrt said...

Oh my goodness, Betty - I didn't know you had a bad hand and was nursing it. I must have missed something somewhere. Take care and be well soon.
Hugs, Myrt


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