Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 7 - Hospital Stay

Ok, now I've bout had enough of this place! Don't get me wrong. Everyone is wonderful, but I miss my home time with hubs and I miss Seamus and I miss just doing flat out whatever I feel good enough to do. It's confining here with no crafting. No play time at all. I sleep, eat, drink and pee. That's about the extent of it all.

Not to mention, I missed the beautiful SNOW that sent Dallas into a stand still. It was beautiul out my hospital window but I sure love to watch Seamus, The Big Lug play and jump in the snow. He loves it!

Ok, time for a shower and maybe a nap. If your still coming and checking in, Thank You for your loyalty. It's greatly appreciated.

Betty aka ZacksNana
Betty Stamps Texas


Monika Reeck said...

Oh dear Betty hope you will go home soon...I am being your follower now and I have something for you on my blog see this post please

But at least you can write something in your Hospital room right dear..Big hugs from me Betty....

loz said...

Sorry to hear you are in hospital again Betty. Hope you get better soon and go home..Hugs..Laurel

Myrt said...

Hi Betty:
Sounds like you are feeling some better. Hopefully, you will be home soon. I just wanted to pop by and say "hi" - feel better soon, my friend.
Hugs, Marion (Myrt)


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